Niezawodne systemy reklamowe
w konkurencyjnych cenach
  • Polski

Textile Roll Up

It’s a toollessly assembled frame made of 32 mm diameter aluminum pipes connected by screws with rectangular steel base ( 25 cm width , screws and wrench included ). The elasticated textile graphic with a zipper covers the frame entirely. The whole set is packed in one bag not bigger than a hand luggage.

graphic’s size
W x H [cm]
Net price Net price with single side graphic Net price with double side graphic
91,5 x 228 7,8 248,00 zł 522,00 zł 608,00 zł
100 x 228 8,5 300,00 zł 620,00 zł 694,00 zł
122 x 228 9,5 315,00 zł 692,00 zł 761,00 zł
152,5 x 228 11,7 350,00 zł 802,00 zł 930,00 zł

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