Niezawodne systemy reklamowe
w konkurencyjnych cenach

Bags for graphic

  • Graphic container – price PLN 150 / pc net
    Additional container on wheels of 42 cm diameter and 82 cm height, made of plywood and poliester canvas fabric.
  • Big graphic container – price PLN 200 / pc net
    Additional container on wheels of 42 cm diameter and 102 cm height, made of plywood and poliester canvas fabric.
  • Tubular bag with handles for graphic, made of stiff plastic covered with polyester canvas, diameter 20 cm, inner lenght 102 cm, weight 3 kg. Price – 79 PLN
  • Hard ( plastic ) trolley case , 39,5 x 69 x 96 cm – price PLN 440 / pc net

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