Niezawodne systemy reklamowe
w konkurencyjnych cenach

Wall mounted steel cassette w. retractable belt

Wall mounted steel cassette with retractable belt.
With 5 x 200 cm belt : made of polished or powder coated black colour stainless steel, height 13 cm , diameter 6,5 cm , weight 0,7 kg.
With 5 x 470 cm belt : made of polished stainless steel, height 13 cm , diameter 7,5 cm , weight 1,0 kg.
Available belt colours : black , red, blue, navy blue, green.
Net price at 200 cm belt : 82,00 PLN ( steel colour ) / 82,00 PLN ( black colour ) ; at 470 cm belt – 111,0 PLN .

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